30 April 2016


1      Iteration of Task Analysis

HTA for Task 1 – Manage booking class

Target user: School Staff
Link video
Textual Presentation

0 Manage booking class
                1 Login to system
1.1   Enter username
1.2   Enter password
2 View booking notification alerts
               2.1 Select booking request
3 Verify the booking match with the empty slot
               3.1 View instructor’s schedule
               3.2 View vehicles information / availability
4 Approve booking’s slot
               4.1 Verify instructor’s availability
5 Logout from system

Diagram presentation

HTA for Task 1 – View Schedule / Appointment

Target user: Instructor
Link video
Textual Presentation

0 View schedule / appointment
                1 Login to system
1.1   Enter username
1.2   Enter password
2 View lesson booking notification alerts
               2.1 View date / time slot
               2.2 View booked vehicles info
3 Verify student details
4 Submit notifications
               4.1 Accept appointment
               4.2 Decline appointment
5 Logout from system

Diagram presentation

HTA for Task 1 – Booking class

Target user: Student
Link video
Textual Presentation

0 Booking class
                1 Login to system
1.1   Enter username
1.2   Enter password
2 Select date
3 Select time slot
4 Select instructor
               4.1 Choose instructor’s name
               4.2 View instructor’s schedule
5 Logout from system

Diagram presentation

HTA for Task 2 – Manage vehicles information

Target user: School staff
Link video
Textual Presentation

0 Manage vehicles information
                1 Login to system
1.1   Enter username
1.2   Enter password
2 Search car number registration
3 View vehicles information
               3.1 View vehicles status
4 Edit / Modify
               4.1 Change vehicles status
5 Save & Update
6 Log out from system

Diagram presentation

HTA for Task 2 – Access student information

Target user: Instructor
Link video
Textual Presentation

0 Access student information
                1 Login to system
1.1   Enter username
1.2   Enter password
2 Search student
2.1 Insert name
2.2 Insert IC number
3 View personal data student
4 Log out from system

Diagram presentation

HTA for Task 2 – Booking instructor

Target user: Student
Link video
Textual Presentation

0 Booking instructor
                1 Login to system
1.1   Enter username
1.2   Enter password
2 Select instructor
2.1 View instructor’s schedule
2.2 View instructor details
3 Book selected instructor
4 Log out from system

Diagram presentation

HTA for Task 3 – Student registration

Target user: School staff
Link video
Textual Presentation

0 Student registration
                1 Login to system
1.1   Enter username
1.2   Enter password
2 Add student for registration
2.1 Insert student personal data
3 Select type of license
4 Fees
               4.1 Choose type of payment
                               4.1.1 Select cash
                               4.1.2 Select instalment
5 Logout from system

Diagram presentation

HTA for Task 3 – Tracking student progress

Target user: Instructor
Link video
Textual Presentation

0 Tracking student progress
                1 Login to system
1.1   Enter username
1.2   Enter password
2 Search student
2.1 Insert name
2.2 Insert IC number
3 View Student progress
               3.1 View balance hour
3.2 View student results
4 Logout from system

Diagram presentation

HTA for Task 3 – Booking JPJ exam date

Target user: Student
Link video
Textual Presentation

0 Tracking student progress
                1 Login to system
1.1   Enter username
1.2   Enter password
2 View JPJ exam schedule
2.1 View status of 16 hours lesson completion
2.2 View QTI exam results
3 Select date
4 Select time slot
5 Logout from system

Diagram presentation


There are three group of users selected from the system proposal which is consist with school staff, instructor and student. Based on the diagram, we have determine and evaluate which task that should be done by each of group users. This also consist the main functional task that a user can do with the system.
 From the HTA diagram, we can see all the task is created just to facilitate those group user using the new system instead of using a conventional method. For example, if the user are school staff, they need to pick up phone call or attend physically to student who are intend to register at counter, booking class or course, choose exam date and so on. By using the system, all conventional method can turns into fasters and convenient ways.
Other example is relates to the instructor. In conventional method, they need to meet the staff or call just to confirm the class or lesson and to get information who will be their student on that day. But from the HTA that we created it shows that now instructor just need to access the system and get those information from there. In terms of comparison, if we evaluate those task for each group, we can see the tasks is different among those users. Each user have specific job scope or objective. Hence, the task is much different.
However, we can conclude that all the task is use to ease all the process which running in the driving school company. In the other part that based on our proposed system, we can finalize that process can be simpler and more effective. For example for student, we can redesign to make it simpler and efficient where we can consolidate the task to book the instructor in the same process they book for the class. This is correlated with what we have learned from the user’s thought process which is required a system that simpler and effective.
 Based on the design requirement from our HTA, there are some findings that we found. This can be proven by those group users when they start to use the system. We simplifying it with 3 main task to represent each group. The first group is school staff where they using the system to manage the data in database. This include registration, manage booking class, course and instructor, the information of student and vehicles. The second group is the instructor where they start using this system to view the schedule and appointment which is important to them in order to make the class lesson more effective to avoid having any problem that related with student. The last group is student where they tend to have a system to ease all their task for the whole process to get a driving license.
1)      Persona & Scenarios

Task for Proposed System
1.       Booking Calendar & payment
2.       View class schedule
3.       Organize payment
4.       Organize instructor

Student – Booking Calendar & payment:
Every time Fara attending to driving school she had to queue long for booking driving instructor calendar, made a payment or booking exam date. Instead of do it at counter, she decides to use mobile apps for the booking and payment. Once login into her account, she goes to driving class session and select which instructor she prefer. After that she chooses which date & time that particular instructor available and proceed with the booking. She goes to the payment option and select which payment option she want to use, either online banking or credit card. She select credit card and fill up the credit card info. Once payment complete, she end the apps transaction by logout or close the apps.

Instructor – View class schedule:
Harris working hours from 9am till 6pm. Every day he has to check with staff for any booking for him that day. He knows that other staffs are busy with their work. He decides not to bother them. He use nearest computer in that driving school to check his schedule himself. Once he login into the system, he goes to the calendar section and choose the date. There are 4 students in that list. He selects all students in the list and verifies the booking. Students will notify via SMS & apps notification. He has to logout to make sure nobody can use his profile for something bad. After complete with driving class, Harris open up the mobile apps and select today booking, then he select which student has complete the class and approve the class completion. Staff will get a notification by email & mobile apps for every class completion. 

Staff – Organize payment:
Every day Suraya has to check for any unpaid invoice from students and also monitor student activities. She login into the system as administrator and select payment section. She key-in the date range of the invoice and select unpaid invoice. All unpaid invoices appear in sec. She calls to student or their parents to remind on the payment before they can proceed with the next class. After that she has to review the student activities and approve it in the system to make sure that particular student able to proceed for the next stage. She may logout from system.

Staff – Organize instructor:
Sarah needs to monitor every instructor available in that driving school. She has to login as administrator and select Instruction section. Now she can review and check on which instructor has the most classes by search the most activities within that day or month. She now can nominate best instructor for every month. Sarah also has to make sure the progress going smooth everyday by fill up the leave for every single instructor in the system. She has to select which instructor has applied for leave, then key-in the date info and publish into the system. So that particular instructor will not be available on that date.  After that she able to logout from system if no more work need. 

09 April 2016




Driving School Online System (DSOS) is a web based online system for any driving school. This system has several approaches. The first one is for driving school staff. This driving school staff needs to handle many students at one time. This will give problem in term of communicating with student for their driving class schedule or exam. Looking at this scenario, driving school have problem in communicating with their students if the number of student more than the available instructors. Besides that they also need to handle the instructor in term of notification and appointment. 

This system will help the instructor to access student information and their driving lesson record. Others than that, the instructor also can get any important information regarding appointment or memo about their schedule from this system. And the last one is for students. Students can access their own data. Only registered student can have an access to the database. The only method is through the official website that included in the system. Student also can book any instructor time for a driving lesson or even test date. With this system, student doesn’t need to come and queue long for the lesson booking. 

Methodology used in developing this project is Waterfall Software development methodology. Phases that are included are requirement, system analysis, design, implementation and system testing and maintenance. At the end of this project, it is hope that Driving School Online System (DSOS) can contribute to driving school operation to make it better and to cater best service.


Driving School Online System (DSOS) is developed mainly for driving school to manage the operation more efficient, easily to find data, record keeping more efficient and retrieve data faster. This system will be managed by the staff of driving school. This staff is responsible to the instructor and students records. The problem comes when the records are increasing and it is not systematic anymore to keep all the data in the file systems anymore. As example there are data on 5 years operation of the driving school center kept in files that fill half of the room and maybe there are 5 years 2 of data to come and all the files have to be keep. It is impossible for the driving school to enlarge its building just to add room to store all this files. 

By using this kind of system, to keep all of data in order and securely where only the authorize staff can access it seems can give more problems. Besides that, if any unexpected incident or disaster happens, for sure all of this data will vanish. Although there is new driving school using online system to manage all of these records, it is still not efficient enough. Besides this kind of problem, driving school also always having problem in term communication among all of instructor and also its students. 
Normally the student required to come to driving school just for booking the instructor calendar for driving lesson or JPJ test. Apart from that, student had to queue long just for this purpose. This method not practical anymore today because it is will involve a lot of money and time. So I’m proposing for the school using SMS Notification system that included in this system. It works once student make a book for the driving class, instructor will received a notification via the Apps or even online web based system. For the driving school that already have their own online system, many of them using that online system just as the medium to give information about their driving school and new student registration.

 This online system should be need included others extra features which are can help the driving school management. This system only used for management of the driving school, not relate to any examination directly but it can be use to do an examination date booking. Driving school staff can check on the system how many students already book for certain session. Normally examination will be handled by Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan (JPJ) itself, where it is not control by driving school. 

Normally booking system works in 3 stages. First after student already register in online system, they have to book for lesson class and writing test. Once they pass the writing test, they have to book for driving class and need at least 16 hours class. One day only 2 hours is recommended for every student but they still can request more if accepted by the instructor. The last stage, once student complete 16 hours driving class session, they already can book for JPJ test until they pass or they can request for additional hours class. So, this Driving School Information System will be developed as a solution for the entire problems that normally happen in any driving school. The Driving School Online System (DSOS) will keep all the information of the daily driving school center operation which is from the instructor’s records, schedule, notification system and many more. Besides than that, Driving School Online System (DSOS) will keep track all of the operation information securely and orderly and even with a backup option. It is also can make the management easy for searching and retrieving data, and making changes to all stored data. While in term of cost, they can reduce a lot of money by using online system. Normally the student required to visit the driving school just for booking or payment and many staff will involve. With the system implement, driving school can reduce their manpower already and also usage of paper and printing. They also can provide effective solution to all students and save a lot of time.  


Managing daily data. Managing daily data is a basis of a system. Daily data of a driving school involve government procedures, policies and laws. Staff cannot neglect any single file or data. So data need to be documented in filing. 

In conventional method, student needed to queue just to make an appointment for lesson and need to check also the instructor’s schedule. This consume more time. Beside, student also tend to call the School driving to make an appointment or to check the instructor’s schedule but this is not guarantee that all student’s call will be answered by staff in driving school.

Communicating with numbers of students at one time. Driving schools that handle many students at one time face problem communicating with student for their driving class schedule or exam. Looking at this scenario, driving school have problem in communicating with their student if the number of student more than the available instructors.

Tracking student progress. Tracking progress of student takes times if staff handling many student at a time. Beside, staff can’t easily remember each student progress. Normally there are no proper system to handle the progress. Everything by manual. 


To develop a Driving School Online System (DSOS) with a booking calendar add-on
To develop an Apps for students & instructor. (ios, android)
To setting up the SMS notification for reminder/schedule booking or even news or info from Driving School. 


For this Driving School Online System (DSOS), I separated it into three categories of user:

Staff Driving school stuff, can access all data related to the students, instructor and vehicle information. This driving school stuff had a special privilege to the system because they can do whatever they should do like delete, add, or copy.

Student driving school, can access their own data, booking class or test. Only registered student can have access to the database. The method is through the website or Apps.
Driving school instructor, can access to the students lesson record or schedule.


Staff - This actor is the person who manage registration, class appointment, courses arrangement, data entry and customer management.

Student - This actor is the person who register for a driving class, attending classes, attending driving courses, make an appointment and booking for driving class and instructor in the institute.

Driving Instructor - This actor who are instruct, teach and guide customer who tend to get the driving license and pass the exam driving successfully. This actor also will check the schedule or appointment that user has booked to use their services.

02 April 2016




Nama penuh : Eddie Fadzwan bin Adzman (SX120214CSRS01)

Lokasi Kerja : Ibupejabat Polis Daerah Muar, Johor

Skop Kerjaya : Kenteteraman Awam / District Command Control (DCC)

Pencapaian Tertinggi Dalam Kerjaya :
Penerima Anugerah Perkhidmatan Cemerlang Tahun 2015 (APC) ketika bertugas di IPD Muar dan sekarang telah menyandang sebagai penyelia MERS 999.

Dalam masa yang sama juga, saya telah diberi tanggungjawab dan amanah sebagai anggota pemantau CCTV seluruh bandar Muar.

Selain itu, aktif juga dalam arena sukan dan pencapaian terbaik adalah mewakili Kejohanan Ping Pong Piala Ketua Polis Johor wakil Ibupejabat Polis Daerah Muar 2016 (Naib Juara).

Nama Penuh : Mohamed Zul Aniq Bin Azaddin (SX120220CSRS01)

Lokasi Kerja : Dyson Manufacturing Sdn Bhd, Senai.

Skop Kerjaya : Jurutera Perkhidmatan IT. Menjadi sokongan pertama dalam hal perihal IT di syarikat - syarikat kumpulan Dyson di Asia Tenggara. (Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Shanghai)

Pencapaian Tertinggi Dalam Kerjaya
Menyertai Pertandingan QCC Syarikat - Syarikat Johor Corporation (Tempat Ke-3). Selain itu, aktif bergiat dalam arena sukan badminton dan pencapaian terbaik mewakili Jabatan Teknologi Maklumat dalam Kejohanan Badminton 2014 CA Group Sdn Bhd Cawangan Nusajaya.

Nama Penuh : Azmi bin Ali (SX122553CSRF01)

Lokasi Kerja : Malikai TLP Deepwater Project, Pasir Gudang (Sarawak Shell Berhad)

Skop Kerjaya : IT Engineer. Berkhidmat di bidang IT untuk projek shell Malaysia - Malikai TLP Deepwater Project (oil platform construction/commissioning  phase). Menyelenggara sistem IT untuk pelantar minyak termasuk server, printer, network equipment dan komputer pengguna. 

Pencapaian Tertinggi Dalam Kerjaya :
Menerima anugerah pekerja cemerlang dari Royal Dutch Shell pada tahun 2014 & 2015. Menerima anugerah ‘Best IT support all rounded’ pada 2014. Selain itu, berkhidmat untuk 3 projek serentak (Malikai, F14 & F29, Gumusut Kakap) dalam satu masa berseorangan.

Nama Penuh : Arith Hyder Nasim bin Azmi (SX120213CSRS01)

Lokasi Kerja : Student Recruitment & Admission Dept. (SRAD), UTM Johor Bahru

Skop Kerjaya : Pembantu Tadbir (Kemasukan & Rekod). Menguruskan urusan penawaran, kemasukan, pendaftaran untuk pelajar-pelajar Sarjana dan Doktor Falsafah ke UTM.