09 April 2016




Driving School Online System (DSOS) is a web based online system for any driving school. This system has several approaches. The first one is for driving school staff. This driving school staff needs to handle many students at one time. This will give problem in term of communicating with student for their driving class schedule or exam. Looking at this scenario, driving school have problem in communicating with their students if the number of student more than the available instructors. Besides that they also need to handle the instructor in term of notification and appointment. 

This system will help the instructor to access student information and their driving lesson record. Others than that, the instructor also can get any important information regarding appointment or memo about their schedule from this system. And the last one is for students. Students can access their own data. Only registered student can have an access to the database. The only method is through the official website that included in the system. Student also can book any instructor time for a driving lesson or even test date. With this system, student doesn’t need to come and queue long for the lesson booking. 

Methodology used in developing this project is Waterfall Software development methodology. Phases that are included are requirement, system analysis, design, implementation and system testing and maintenance. At the end of this project, it is hope that Driving School Online System (DSOS) can contribute to driving school operation to make it better and to cater best service.


Driving School Online System (DSOS) is developed mainly for driving school to manage the operation more efficient, easily to find data, record keeping more efficient and retrieve data faster. This system will be managed by the staff of driving school. This staff is responsible to the instructor and students records. The problem comes when the records are increasing and it is not systematic anymore to keep all the data in the file systems anymore. As example there are data on 5 years operation of the driving school center kept in files that fill half of the room and maybe there are 5 years 2 of data to come and all the files have to be keep. It is impossible for the driving school to enlarge its building just to add room to store all this files. 

By using this kind of system, to keep all of data in order and securely where only the authorize staff can access it seems can give more problems. Besides that, if any unexpected incident or disaster happens, for sure all of this data will vanish. Although there is new driving school using online system to manage all of these records, it is still not efficient enough. Besides this kind of problem, driving school also always having problem in term communication among all of instructor and also its students. 
Normally the student required to come to driving school just for booking the instructor calendar for driving lesson or JPJ test. Apart from that, student had to queue long just for this purpose. This method not practical anymore today because it is will involve a lot of money and time. So I’m proposing for the school using SMS Notification system that included in this system. It works once student make a book for the driving class, instructor will received a notification via the Apps or even online web based system. For the driving school that already have their own online system, many of them using that online system just as the medium to give information about their driving school and new student registration.

 This online system should be need included others extra features which are can help the driving school management. This system only used for management of the driving school, not relate to any examination directly but it can be use to do an examination date booking. Driving school staff can check on the system how many students already book for certain session. Normally examination will be handled by Jabatan Pengangkutan Jalan (JPJ) itself, where it is not control by driving school. 

Normally booking system works in 3 stages. First after student already register in online system, they have to book for lesson class and writing test. Once they pass the writing test, they have to book for driving class and need at least 16 hours class. One day only 2 hours is recommended for every student but they still can request more if accepted by the instructor. The last stage, once student complete 16 hours driving class session, they already can book for JPJ test until they pass or they can request for additional hours class. So, this Driving School Information System will be developed as a solution for the entire problems that normally happen in any driving school. The Driving School Online System (DSOS) will keep all the information of the daily driving school center operation which is from the instructor’s records, schedule, notification system and many more. Besides than that, Driving School Online System (DSOS) will keep track all of the operation information securely and orderly and even with a backup option. It is also can make the management easy for searching and retrieving data, and making changes to all stored data. While in term of cost, they can reduce a lot of money by using online system. Normally the student required to visit the driving school just for booking or payment and many staff will involve. With the system implement, driving school can reduce their manpower already and also usage of paper and printing. They also can provide effective solution to all students and save a lot of time.  


Managing daily data. Managing daily data is a basis of a system. Daily data of a driving school involve government procedures, policies and laws. Staff cannot neglect any single file or data. So data need to be documented in filing. 

In conventional method, student needed to queue just to make an appointment for lesson and need to check also the instructor’s schedule. This consume more time. Beside, student also tend to call the School driving to make an appointment or to check the instructor’s schedule but this is not guarantee that all student’s call will be answered by staff in driving school.

Communicating with numbers of students at one time. Driving schools that handle many students at one time face problem communicating with student for their driving class schedule or exam. Looking at this scenario, driving school have problem in communicating with their student if the number of student more than the available instructors.

Tracking student progress. Tracking progress of student takes times if staff handling many student at a time. Beside, staff can’t easily remember each student progress. Normally there are no proper system to handle the progress. Everything by manual. 


To develop a Driving School Online System (DSOS) with a booking calendar add-on
To develop an Apps for students & instructor. (ios, android)
To setting up the SMS notification for reminder/schedule booking or even news or info from Driving School. 


For this Driving School Online System (DSOS), I separated it into three categories of user:

Staff Driving school stuff, can access all data related to the students, instructor and vehicle information. This driving school stuff had a special privilege to the system because they can do whatever they should do like delete, add, or copy.

Student driving school, can access their own data, booking class or test. Only registered student can have access to the database. The method is through the website or Apps.
Driving school instructor, can access to the students lesson record or schedule.


Staff - This actor is the person who manage registration, class appointment, courses arrangement, data entry and customer management.

Student - This actor is the person who register for a driving class, attending classes, attending driving courses, make an appointment and booking for driving class and instructor in the institute.

Driving Instructor - This actor who are instruct, teach and guide customer who tend to get the driving license and pass the exam driving successfully. This actor also will check the schedule or appointment that user has booked to use their services.

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